Medialab Factory.

Do you know effectuation principles ? Few month ago, I discover this theory and Phillipe Silberzahn’s blog. After read Phillipe’s blog and view his MOOC, I could put words on my state of mind and I will explain why Medialab Factory is an use case of effectuation principle for me.

Effectuation present 5 principles :

  • Do with what you have on hand
  • Act with acceptable loss
  • Engage Stackholders
  • Take advantage of surprises
  • Create context

Since Weeks, I question myself about my skills and how to communicate about them on the web.
A friend said me that I must brand them, on a website, to spotlight my skills and host my future work (like podcast or webinars).

I can do this but before starting, I must find a good name. What name should I use ? According to me, the name should contain something like innovation, media , labo, digital, consulting, strategy or anything about environement of Digital Transformation ?

🔴 Principle #4 : Take advantage of surprises

So I was looking for an explicit and inspiring name, with a domain name and Social accounts available. Not easy in 2021 in Digital World where many simple names are already in use.
And revelation: what about using Medialab as a name ? But wasn’t free. too, and it’s difficult to say it in French.

I was looking for a second word to make understand my knowledge with a notion of « Make » and « Act ». What about using the word Factory ? Medialab and Factory, two perfect words to explain my ideas about Digital Transformation and disruptive innovation in media and content creation. But probably already in use ?

After a test @, the domain .com was available and social accounts on Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Twitch … too ! Perfect isn’t it ? Let’s Rock ! Welcome

🔴 Principle #2 : Act with acceptable loss

Thursday, 9pm, I purchased the domain name 15$, linked it on my web hosting, created an email address, setuped a WordPress engine. At 10pm I purchased WordPress Theme 19€. I began the configuration of the website, created social accounts, worked on SEO…. I went to sleep at 2am. On Friday at 2am, Saturday at 3am 😴 . Now, I have developed new wordpress skills like responsive design creator or SEO extensions.

🔴 Principle #1 : Do with what you have on hand

I have digital skills, an internet access, a webhosting and I speak google request better than english 🙃 . To act quickly, I took the default design of wordpress theme (red and black) , I have made minimal design, simple logo (just a red point), configured wordpress and wrote some pages with menu access.

After, I questionned myself about Podcast Hosting. How can i host my podcast on my wordpress site ? Is it possible ? Easy or not ?

I installed a podcast broadcasting extension, and I will be able to host podcast, for my podcast project and for some other experimentations with audio contents. But my we hosting isn’t really big, probably too small too podcast hosting. How to self-host podcast ? Amazon Web Service has a free plan. Perfect for my usage at beginning . So I created an Amazon S3 storage and configured Cloudfront for client request. After I added certificate for https and my dns to build my « personnal » CDN. I’m ready to host. Next step, Podcast writing.

🔴 Principle #5 : Pilot in the plane (Create context)

Now, I have a website to present my skills with a trendy touch, like Podcast, TikTok ou editing innovation. I’m working on SEO, finalising social accounts and more stuff. This week, I will start sharing some publications on the social pages. I’m ready to publish and interact with my readers.

🔴 Principle #3 : Engage Stakeholders

For the third principle, « Engage Stakeholders« , it will be coming in second time I think. I have friends who can help me for live event, digital learning stuff or disruptive innovation advice. I hope some readers will share this article (probably you ? ) and I continue to experiment new horizon in content creation.

So here is the first article of my blog. If you enjoyed this story, just share it with your network.

Have a nice day and stay tuned.

Sébastien Meunier

Sébastien Meunier

Pendant plus de 20 ans, j’ai conçu, réalisé et piloté de nombreux projets liés aux offres numériques et à la transformation de France Télévisions. Mon intérêt pour l’innovation et les nouveaux médias m’a poussé au fil des ans à anticiper les nouveaux modes de narration.

Je lance désormais Medialab Factory, mon activité de conseil en stratégie nouveaux médias pour faciliter leur prise en compte et leur mise en oeuvre dans votre entreprise.